Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wedding Bell Blues

I am was twenty-eight years ago and my husband (still!) and I, after living together for about ten years, decided to elope. I wore a vintage 40s skirt, an 80s blouse (this was the eighties!), my grandmother's jewelry, and the certainty of love. It worked well for me, but I tell anyone getting married not to elope, have a ceremony with family and friends, and celebrate LARGE. It's corny alright to keep that little-girl dream of the dress, the wedding, but it still resonates. That is why I am particularly thrilled with the wedding shoot I did with Wes Naman, a fabulous photographer who not only brought my girlhood fantasies to light, but was able to get my styling vision from the first frame on. I have finally launched my VINTAGE WEBSITE and the first series of photographs is the wedding shoot with Wes, a marvelous way to begin a new project - hope and love and fashion all "married" into this vision. The images above are a small sampling of that vision. Please flatter me by going to my website to see more, and be sure to subscribe to email alerts for further updates. I will be launching more vintage images in a unique, fashion-forward styling that I truly hope you respond to. It is, after all, the wedding "season", and with Albuquerque weather like it is, a sweet glimpse toward spring.
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